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New Patients at Hamilton Chiropractic Centre

Dr. Ian consulting with patientHamilton Chiropractic Centre is a relaxing, warm place. Our friendly staff always greets you by name and welcomes you into our practice. There are calming aromatherapy scents and music playing, setting the scene for a comfortable experience.

When you first set up an appointment, our team will send you an email confirming the date and time, giving you our location and providing an overview of what to expect. We ask that you wear comfortable clothing and leave your jewelry at home in case we need to take X-rays. Your new patient forms are attached to the email so that you can bring them in completed. Otherwise, we suggest that you arrive 10 minutes early to fill out these forms.

Your First Visit

When you sit down with Dr Ian, he’ll explain what you can expect. He’ll listen carefully to what has brought you in and what you’d like to get out of care. If we don’t feel that we can help you, we’ll refer you to another provider. If we think we can help you, we’ll perform various examinations such as a postural evaluation, surface electromyography and thermography, which show how your muscles and nerve system are working.

If chiropractic is appropriate, you’ll be given an adjustment, with your visit totalling about 45 minutes.

Your Second Visit

When you return, you’ll sit down with Dr Ian to review the findings from your exam. We’ll go over the goals of your care, our recommendations for your visits and the frequency and things you can do yourself to help your progress such as exercises.

Each Adjustment Builds on the Last

Though you’ll usually feel better after the first adjustment, it often takes a series of them to meet your health goals. We create personalised recommendations of care so that you can be sure you get what you need to reach the outcome you desire.

You can think of chiropractic care like going to the gym or visiting the dentist. If you don’t go periodically, you can lose your health and the progress you’ve made. The physical, chemical and emotional stresses of life that interfere with your spinal function don’t stop, so regular maintenance is a wise choice.

Did you know that we have a new patient special offer? Contact us today to book your time with us!


New Patients at Hamilton Chiropractic Centre | (07) 849 7337