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Scoliosis in Hamilton

checking girl spine for scoliosisScoliosis has often been misunderstood, with many envisioning a severely twisted spine that leaves individuals disfigured or hunched. However, scoliosis is a manageable condition, and understanding its nature and types can lead to successful care and improved quality of life.

What Is Scoliosis?

Scoliosis refers to a lateral or sideways curvature of the spine. Any sideways curve, whether mild or severe, is considered scoliotic. Clinical scoliosis, typically diagnosed when the curve exceeds 12 degrees, can impact posture and movement, potentially causing discomfort.

Types of Scoliosis


Structural scoliosis is caused by the shape of the bones themselves. When vertebrae are wedged, the spine can be sent off to a sideways angle. While chiropractic care and other therapies may alleviate symptoms like pain and improve joint movement, they cannot change the bone structure itself.


Functional scoliosis, on the other hand, is often due to postural habits and repetitive asymmetrical activities. This type is more responsive to conservative approaches like chiropractic care. For instance, activities such as frequently using a heavy clutch while driving a truck, repetitive factory work, or sports involving one-sided movements can lead to muscle imbalances and postural issues, resulting in a scoliotic curve.

How Chiropractic Care May Help

Spinal Adjustments: Chiropractic adjustments involve precise, quick thrusts to specific areas of the spine to enhance range of motion, often restricted in individuals with scoliosis. This technique can significantly improve mobility and alleviate discomfort.

Mobilisation and Soft Tissue Techniques: Techniques such as mobilisation and soft tissue therapy can further assist in increasing range of motion, addressing muscle imbalances, and relieving pain.

Rehabilitation Exercises and Stretches: Tailored rehabilitation exercises and stretches are crucial for helping the body maintain proper alignment. These exercises strengthen the muscles supporting the spine, promoting better posture and reducing curvature over time.

Schedule an Evaluation Today

If you or a loved one are dealing with scoliosis, please know that there’s hope. Early intervention and consistent care can make a significant difference. Book an evaluation with Dr Ian (Chiropractor) today.