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Meet Dr Ian Kim

Doing What I Love

Dr. IanDr Ian wasn’t always a chiropractor. He started his career as a computer programmer, enjoying coding and seeing the products he made used by many. After a few years, however, one question popped into his head and wouldn’t leave.

I wondered, ‘Will I still want to do this 10 or 20 years down the road?’ It took me a while to figure it out, but the answer was no.

Gaining a Chiropractic Degree

Determined to find a way to work with people and help them be happier, Dr Ian decided to enroll at the prestigious New Zealand College of Chiropractic. There, he learned how the human body works and what makes a person healthy or unhealthy. The challenging curriculum involved anatomy, neuroscience, physiology, pathology, biochemistry, immunology, radiography, nutrition, research, radiology, chiropractic philosophy, chiropractic techniques and more.

Dr Ian became a qualified chiropractor in 2012 after five years of study.

Analysing Each Person As an Individual

The analytical skills developed from Dr Ian’s years of computer programming still come in handy during his initial consultations when he needs to investigate the cause of a patient’s concern. He welcomes all ages and people from all walks of life, enjoying treating a diverse range of ailments.

Dr Ian is well-versed in several techniques and emphasises the importance of posture through the use of ABC and Chiropractic BioPhysics® (CBP®). He also provides traditional methods such as Diversified, Gonstead and Thompson, and instrument-based adjusting with a gentle Activator® or ArthroStim®.

A Busy Life in Hamilton

When he’s not in the clinic, Dr Ian stays busy with his wife Julie and their young daughter Shiloh. He loves watching her grow up and in his spare time, he likes to go trekking, play piano and practice archery.

Did you know that we are registered ACC providers and are registered providers for Southern Cross Easy-Claim?

Contact Hamilton Chiropractic Centre today to schedule an appointment.

Dr Ian Kim | (07) 849 7337